SUNCOMSUNCOM Industries is a nonprofit, human services agency, which helps people with developmental and physical disabilities improve the quality of their lives. Our goal is to provide the vocational training and skill development for individuals to grow to their fullest potential.

Our services support, educate and empower people with disabilities to be employed and live full and independent lives filled with everyday joys and accomplishments.

People with developmental and physical disabilities also dream of having a job, a social life with friends and coworkers, and being independent, no different than your own dreams. SUNCOM offers people with disabilities the opportunity to achieve these goals and live their dream.

View a list of SUNCOM Board Members here.

Our mission is to promote socialization and provide vocational assessment, training and employment opportunities to enable persons with disabilities to fulfill their greatest potential within the community.

In 1966, a group of people recognized the need to help people with disabilities achieve their fullest potential. With a strong desire to make a difference in people's lives and a total of fifty dollars in cash, this group of twenty-seven business leaders, professionals and citizens of the community, organized to form the non-profit corporation called SUNCOM Industries.


Initially, funds were raised through donations and grants. A building was purchased south of Sunbury and set up as a training center and workshop. In 1969 SUNCOM began operations with a staff of three serving three people with disabilities.

Today, a staff of 150 provides training for independent skill development, vocational work skill enhancement, and community involvement. We serve over 450 people in two vocational rehabilitation facilities, three adult training programs, two Community Unity sites and a supported placement program.

Suncom - Helping people reach their potential

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